Responsible Use of AI - Toolkit

Provide Multiple Perspectives




This technique encourages AI systems to approach complex topics from various angles, helping you gain a more holistic understanding. By prompting the AI to explore multiple viewpoints—such as differing cultural, political, or disciplinary lenses—you reduce the risk of narrow or biased insights and support richer, more balanced discussions.

Why It's Important

  • Comprehensive Understanding: Addressing different perspectives reveals overlooked factors, broadening the solution space beyond a single viewpoint.
  • Critical Thinking: Exposure to varied arguments prompts deeper analysis and encourages users to question assumptions.
  • Informed Decisions: Weighing multiple options helps you identify trade-offs, consider minority viewpoints, and make decisions that accommodate diverse interests.
  • Bias Mitigation: AI trained on large datasets may default to popular or majority perspectives. Requesting multiple angles counters potential echo chambers.

How to Use

Add an instruction to your prompt that explicitly asks for more than one perspective. For instance: 'Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of remote work from both an employee and employer perspective. Include cultural, economic, and social angles.' In an iterative process, compare the different outputs to examine contradictions or gaps, and use further prompts to clarify or delve deeper.

Default Prompt: Explain the benefits of remote work.
Updated Prompt: Explain the benefits of remote work. Provide multiple perspectives, highlighting different viewpoints and the reasoning behind each. Consider how these views might vary depending on industry, geographic location, and organizational size.

Key Considerations

  • Balance: Encourage the AI to weigh each perspective fairly, rather than providing a token mention of an opposing argument. Depth matters more than quantity.
  • Relevance: Focus on perspectives genuinely pertinent to your context. Extraneous viewpoints may dilute the main discussion.
  • Clarity: Ensure the AI clearly differentiates each perspective and avoids merging them into a generic or confusing overview.
  • Integration: After collecting multiple viewpoints, synthesize the findings. Reflect on whether a combined or hybrid approach could address the best of each perspective.

Note:Responsible Use of AI is a dynamic concept. It continually evolves, and we invite you to contribute, improve, and expand its content and ideas. If you're interested in participating, please email us at so we can publish your contributions.